Thursday 13 February 2014

Rainbow Jews exhibition

Just a very quick post today as I'm putting the last minute touches on the questions for tonight's Challenging Histories: what place do LGBTQ identities have in museums and historic houses? event. (DO COME!)

I've mentioned the Rainbow Jews project on this blog before, and the project leader Surat Knan was one of the voice contributors for the 'Master-Mistress' exhibition, and finally all of the hard work has paid off and the exhibition is up and running at LSE until 28th February. I braved the 80mph winds yesterday to pay it a visit.

Rainbow Jews is a unique oral history and archive project, exploring the intersection of Jewish and LGBT identities. The exhibition includes snippets (both audio and text based) from some of the interviews, videos and objects that celebrate LGBT Jewish identities. I highly recommend a visit, it's a truly historic move to capture these narratives where so many before have been lost and unrecorded.

You can find out more here.

There's an article about the launch event here.

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